The new Eric Geurts single, 'Love to Love', was released on 8 December 2020. Fittingly also on this day we commemorate the sad and untimely death, 40 years ago, of John Lennon.
Love to Love - Eric Geurts (2020)
Kemper Testimonies
Suseguitar from Kemper forum:
I had a chance to play one of the profiles (037508) yesterday in our rehearsal room, played my Strat with Quarterpounds ;) - the solosound is just awesome, assertive, supporting and inspiring. Great work!
Ibot39 from Kemper forum:
After testing the profiles my conclusion is: The pack does exactly what the author is advertising. You get the Blackmore sound from the mentioned era. Humbuckers are possible, other 70s rock-sounds with a little tweaking. But the real soul of this pack is authentic Blackmore-tone! For this it was created with an ear for details and this is were the rigs shine! Thanks for the nice pictures that complement this special pack. I have to highlight the pdf that comes with the profiles offering very detailed information. Great!
Laker from Kemper forum:
These profiles are the real deal IMHO.
Riddlescott from Kemper Forum:
I like it the better the longer i play it. What i also appreciate is the tasty effects settings. Highly recommended for the real Marshall Bluesy Staccato Strat Sound.
raiellojr from Kemper forum:
I like the pack a lot...a little tweaking and I can get real close to your sound samples.
Laker from Kemper forum:
Only the one amp a Marshall Major but it sounds like the real deal. These profiles are outstanding. Everything they make sounds great. What I really like about them is their sound samples sound just like what you download. IMHO a lot of other profilers do not sound the same.
Acolbourn from Kemper forum:
For Frusciante profiles I tried flying snowman's more black pack listed above and they sound great!
Razorpig55 from Kemper forum:
I spent a ton of time searching for the right “blues” tones and happened on your site. I really love the pack ('60 Pack) I downloaded, especially the FS ’60 B1001pa......nice, crunchy and just a bit mellow. I’m going to post your site on the reddit site for Kemper.......have a great one thanks for the great tones.
Kungsmas from Kemper forum:
Extremely great stuff. Among the best vintage Marshall profiles ever.
Michael Worsnup from Facebook Group "Kemper Tips and Tricks":
Got the original pack & just downloaded the new one sound great with my strat Blackmore always been my favorite guitarist and they really nail his sound!
Milano (per email):
Thank you for providing this great product. The profiles are really good, great job man! Shoot me a message when MORE BLACK PACK 3 releases, I'll be first in line to buy it from you.
Timothy (via mail):
You really did an excellent job. I'm working through the profiles and am very impressed!
BadBadger from Kemper forum:
Great tones and great playing too in your YT video!
@stevegardiner8473 on YouTube:
These profiles sound really close to the original tones.