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Songwriting - Christian Music - Song 552: I'm Not Afraid of the Dark


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You can buy this single of Eric Geurts on Bandcamp:


[verse 1]

It doesn't matter where I go

where I was a while ago

You are always by my side


[verse 2]

All I know is that Your word is true

when I'm afraid I put my trust in You

You are my God, you are my Guide

(so) I won't be terrified



If I walk through the vale

of the shadow of the night

Your compassions never fail

You always shed your light



No fear 'cause You're always with me

I'm not afraid of the dark

Your staff protects and comforts me

(I'm not afraid of the dark)


[verse 3]

It doesn't matter what I did

'cause You raised up from the dead

You washed my sins now I'm white as snow


[verse 4]

All I know is that when I'm in tears

You will answer and free me from my fears

and Your love will overflow

'cause this is what I know



If I walk through the vale...



No fear 'cause You're always with me

Writer(s): © Eric Geurts

Artist(s): Eric Geurts

Artist Country: Belgium

Language(s): English

Description: Thanks to the injection of a swinging guitar line and a catchy sing-along chorus, "I'm Not Afraid of the Dark" is nothing less than an unpretentious pop tune. A song with a spiritual lyric that glistens like a glowing ray of light in these dark Corona times. With a tune like this in your headphones, you no longer have to be afraid of the dark. Just join in the roar! There is hope in uncertain times.

Theme(s): Adoration and Worship

Explicit Content? NO


2010s (MMX), Religious, Christian, 

Gospel Hour 

Genre(s): Pop, Rock


Beatles-Pop, British Pop, Power Pop, 

Melodic Rock, Pop Rock 


Happy, Uplifting, Carefree, Cheerful, 

Confident, Energetic, Free, Graceful, 

Inspiring, Joyful, Lively, Motivational, 

Optimistic, Peaceful, Positive, Soulful, 

Stimulating, Thankful

Tempo: Medium Fast 

BPM: 145

Original Key: A

Duration: 3:09

Format: Band / Ensemble 

Tonal Quality: Electric

Vocal Mix: Male vocals, male backing vocals 

Featured Instrument(s):

guitars (Gibson, Rickenbacker,

acoustic), drums, bass, Hammond,


Sounds like: Chris Tomlin, Lincoln Brewster

Year Recorded: 2020


Available (currently Flying Snowman



SABAM / Online Depot (Belgium) - IP 00132036716

ISRC code: BEX172000001

Master Owner:

Flying Snowman Records

Ministry: The Bridge Belgium

Scripture Reference:

Isaiah 41:10, Isaiah 1:18, Joshua 1:9,

Psalm 23:4, Psalm 34:4, Psalm 56:3,

Romans 4:25, 

Youtube link: https://youtu.be/s0XYRSyLLqA

Soundcloud link: https://soundcloud.com/flying-snowman/552-im-not-afraid-of-the-dark 

Website: https://www.flyingsnowman.com

Song URL: https://www.flyingsnowman.com/552

Contact e-mail: email 

Contact phone: phone

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Kemper Testimonies

Suseguitar from Kemper forum:
I had a chance to play one of the profiles (037508) yesterday in our rehearsal room, played my Strat with Quarterpounds ;) - the solosound is just awesome, assertive, supporting and inspiring. Great work!

Ibot39 from Kemper forum:
After testing the profiles my conclusion is: The pack does exactly what the author is advertising. You get the Blackmore sound from the mentioned era. Humbuckers are possible, other 70s rock-sounds with a little tweaking. But the real soul of this pack is authentic Blackmore-tone! For this it was created with an ear for details and this is were the rigs shine! Thanks for the nice pictures that complement this special pack. I have to highlight the pdf that comes with the profiles offering very detailed information. Great!

Laker from Kemper forum:
These profiles are the real deal IMHO.

Riddlescott from Kemper Forum:
I like it the better the longer i play it. What i also appreciate is the tasty effects settings. Highly recommended for the real Marshall Bluesy Staccato Strat Sound.

raiellojr from Kemper forum:
I like the pack a lot...a little tweaking and I can get real close to your sound samples.

Laker from Kemper forum:
Only the one amp a Marshall Major but it sounds like the real deal. These profiles are outstanding. Everything they make sounds great. What I really like about them is their sound samples sound just like what you download. IMHO a lot of other profilers do not sound the same.

Acolbourn from Kemper forum:
For Frusciante profiles I tried flying snowman's more black pack listed above and they sound great!

Razorpig55 from Kemper forum:
I spent a ton of time searching for the right “blues” tones and happened on your site.  I really love the pack ('60 Pack) I downloaded, especially the FS ’60 B1001pa......nice, crunchy and just a bit mellow.  I’m going to post your site on the reddit site for Kemper.......have a great one thanks for the great tones.

Kungsmas from Kemper forum:
Extremely great stuff. Among the best vintage Marshall profiles ever.

Michael Worsnup from Facebook Group "Kemper Tips and Tricks":
Got the original pack & just downloaded the new one sound great with my strat Blackmore always been my favorite guitarist and they really nail his sound!

Milano (per email): 
Thank you for providing this great product. The profiles are really good, great job man! Shoot me a message when MORE BLACK PACK 3 releases, I'll be first in line to buy it from you.

Timothy (via mail):
You really did an excellent job. I'm working through the profiles and am very impressed!

BadBadger from Kemper forum:
Great tones and great playing too in your YT video!

@stevegardiner8473 on YouTube:
These profiles sound really close to the original tones.